The Future Of The NBA Could All Come Down To Today's All NBA Selections

You may have seen over the last few days that the All League team have started to come out. So far we’ve seen the All Rookie teams where the first five picks all made the first team for the first time since the 1984 Draft (which was pretty good), then we got the All NBA Defensive teams yesterday, and today we learn of the groupings that could potentially shape the future of the NBA. At some point today the three All NBA teams will be announced and there are big time implications for big time stars that could ultimately give us an idea of how things may shake out this summer.

The reason this is such a huge deal is because of the new supermax. There are a bunch of blue chip players that are eligible for this massive bag if they somehow make an All NBA team, and it’s going to force some franchises to make a tough choice. Here is a quick breakdown of what’s at stake for some of the biggest names in the league

Karl-Anthony Towns

You may remember when KAT signed his big time extension last year for $158M. A well deserved extension, the one thing that made it interesting was the possibility that it could be bumped to $190M if KAT made All NBA this year. He put up monster numbers this season for a MIN team that took a step back, but you have to wonder if the team might prefer he miss out on All NBA this year.

They’re already paying Wiggins over $27M as part of his 4/147M extension that kicked in this season, and while it doesn’t seem like a lot to pay KAT an extra $6M, with Teague definitely opting into his $19M player option and the need to still sign Robert Covington, it’s not like the Wolves have a shit ton of space to work with. Every little bit counts and while KAT is 100% worth a supermax in my opinion, it could put the Wolves in a bit of a bind if he makes it as they try and get back to the playoffs.

Kemba Walker

To me, this may be the biggest domino that could be impacted by the All NBA selections. If Kemba makes it, CHA is now able to give him the 5/$221M max. If he makes it and wants to leave, another team can only offer 4/$140M. That’s a HUGE difference for a guy who is already 29. Now if he doesn’t make it and wants to stay, his max with CHA becomes 5/$190M.

As you can see this puts CHA in a bit of a pickle. He’s obviously their best player, so offering him that supermax in an effort to keep him around is great now, but what about when he’s 32-33? Kemba is obviously one of the big free agent point guards that teams are going to be interested in, and I feel like his decision is going to have a domino effect for a bunch of teams. If he stays in CHA what does that mean for the Knicks if they can’t land Kyrie? What about the Lakers or Mavs who have been rumored to have interest? I feel like it’s more likely that Kemba moves if he doesn’t make All NBA, but if he makes it how could he turn down a deal that pays him $80M more than anyone else?

If I’m a Hornets fan, I am sweating this announcement big time.

Bradley Beal

If there’s one team that knows the risk in a supermax extension, it’s the Wizards. Look at what they’re going through with John Wall. Bradley Beal had himself a big time season in Wall’s absence, and we hear rumors here and there about the possibility of WSH moving Beal. The difference with Beal compared to some other guys is he’s not a free agent for a couple more years. If he does make All NBA and that extension kicks in after his current deal is jup and the Wizards don’t want to pay it, well then he suddenly becomes a massive trade option.

If I’m a Wizards fan maybe I’m rooting that he doesn’t make it because if he does then his days in WSH are probably numbered because of that huge number which is ironic because that’s not what the supermax is supposed to do. Let’s say he doesn’t make it and truly wants to leave, it’s not like the Wizards could have a change of heart and offer him that big time bag, now they risk him leaving for nothing in two seasons.

Basically the Wizards may be screwed either way, and to make matters worse they don’t even have a GM yet to help figure this all out.

Anthony Davis

The biggest name of the summer has a lot riding on this announcement as well. What makes him unique is that he’s already eligible for the supermax this offseason, but if he makes All NBA this year the Pelicans have the option of also giving him the supermax next summer at 5/$235M. Let’s say he turns that extension down this summer and David Griffin decides not to trade him, well as long as he makes All NBA that option of all that money still exists if he’s on the team all of next year. Considering his max out on the market is 4/$156M that’s something to at least consider.

I don’t know if a guy who basically only played half the year can make All NBA, but if he were to lock that in this year instead of the Pelicans having to worry about it happening next year, that absolutely gives them a big time chip THIS summer, even if Davis isn’t ready to commit long term. Having that option in your back pocket for next summer is a huge chip for David Griffin.

Let’s say you pitch Zion and the possibility of still making supermax money without committing right this second. I feel like maybe that’s the best option for Davis to give NO a chance with Zion, and who knows maybe by February things are different.

Klay Thompson

You want the Warriors dynasty to be over? Well a lot of that could depend on what happens with Klay Thompson and All NBA. If he makes it, he’s demanding that 5/$221M which is $31M more than what he would get for a normal max extension if he misses out. Their owner has come out and said they want to keep both him and KD, and they’re looking at a massive luxury tax bill depending on what happens with Klay. There’s a chance that a supermax extension could force GS to pay $38M more in luxury tax penalties.

Then you have to figure in the raise Draymond Green will be expecting next season. That $38M in penalties could come in handy and if the band stays together and Klay makes that All NBA team the Warriors owners are going to get boned big time. But if he misses All NBA maybe he starts looking elsewhere, especially if Durant stays. The future of the Warriors may very well depend on what happens here.

Maybe the best case is Durant leaves and Klay stays on a regular max. I feel like that’s unlikely but it’s the one way this team doesn’t get in luxury tax hell. Remember, Steph’s current extension is only going up and will pay him $40M next year.

Damian Lillard

There’s a strong chance that the Blazers are forced to supermax Dame. This is the exact situation the supermax was intended for I feel like. A star player staying with a “small” market team. Sure they’d be paying like $193M for a guy who will be in his mid 30s during the deal, but it’s something they almost have to do. He’s going to make an All NBA team this year and has been pretty open about his desire to stay in POR.

My question is, with all that committed to Dame, will POR have enough to fill the roster with talent to help them get over the hump. They really need a playmaking 4, but I feel like if you’re POR you worry about all that later. Signing him to that supermax puts an end to any potential speculation that he could join the Lakers or something once his current deal is up, so this may be the biggest no brainer of the bunch.


So as you can see, today’s announcement could have a pretty big impact on what happens with some of the biggest stars in the league. Everything from trades to potential free agency decisions all come down to who makes those three All NBA teams and I can’t remember a time something like this was such a big deal heading into the summer. We all know things are setting up to be crazy starting July 1st, well today is the first step in that process

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